The One and Only Way to Save Yourself from a Toxic Relationship

Elizabeth Elvin
2 min readMay 29, 2018
Source: pollynor

“We accept the love we think we deserve.”- Stephen Chbosky

I’m sure you’ve heard this overused quotes somewhere, but I think these words are very suitable to explain why some people stuck in a toxic relationship. Once in a while we might stumble upon a toxic relationship. Maybe it’s when you were madly in love, you believed you were meant for each other, but all of sudden this relationship brought you more sorrow than happiness . Or maybe this one friendship with one guy you knew since 5th grade, who only contact you for money or to get really drunk with you. And what made it even more confusing was, you still stayed in touch with that person.

Toxic relationship is extremely dangerous, it harms our self-esteem, it stops us from being our true self, it drains us mentally or even physically, and the worst part is usually we think we deserve it. Maybe not consciously, but at least that’s enough to make us stay. Some of you might think there are many factors that keep people stay in a toxic relationship, could be “love”, money, blood relative, or anything, but I firmly believe that the only reason is, you don’t know your worth. You don’t love yourself enough to realize that you deserve better.

Believe me, I know how hard it is to love ourselves. There is part of us that will always think we aren’t good enough for everything. When someone with a tendency to screw other people smell this, you’ll surely become their prey. This type of predator lives from our low self-esteem. Since they know how little we appreciate ourselves, they take advantage of us by being a total ass. This won’t be a toxic relationship if you able to throw this person away as soon as they show their true color. But, I’ve seen enough case that usually we tend to excuse their actions and choose to stay with this toxic person.

Since I’m here to tell you how to save yourself from a toxic relationship, so here you go; please realize you deserve all the good things in the world, you’re a free creature, and you’re not responsible for others feelings. If someone only drags you down, you really don’t have to go down with them. If your partner never supports you mentally, don’t stay with him only because you’re trapped in this so-called “comfort zone”. After all, you’re responsible for yourself and when you feel miserable because hanging on too long with this toxic relationship, you only have yourself to blame for, so just be brave and leave. You’ll be fine without them who are dragging you down.



Elizabeth Elvin

I think about what to write more often than actually write.